A promise made by Walmart last June is now being fulfilled. Walmart promised to support women-owned businesses by launching a "Women-Owned" campaign that would support women-owned businesses by highlighting in Walmart stores the products that are made by women-owned companies. By displaying a "Women-Owned" label, consumers will know that the products were made by companies that are owned by women.
It's here!
Now these products, donning the unique "Women-Owned" label, can be seen not only in Walmart stores but on Walmart's online retail site. Some of the products include Milo’s Tea, Jelmar CLR Remover, HMS Mfg. Co. Hefty Wastebaskets, Goldbug Inc. Carter’s Newborn Shoes, Ariela and Associates Smart & Sexy Bra, and Ziegenfelder’s Budget Saver Pops.
Walmart's "Women-Owned" campaign is designed to help businesses owned by women to grow and succeed. Businesses that get to use the logo must be approved by the Women’s Enterprise National Council and WEConnect International.
Other ways that Walmart support women-owned businesses
In addition to the "Women-Owned" campaign, Walmart has pledged its support for women-owned businesses by committing to purchasing $20 billion of products from U.S. women-owned businesses over the next five years, and providing more training for women around the world who work in factories and retail establishments.
To read more, visit consumerist.com/2015/03/12/walmarts-women-owned-campaign-officially-launches-in-stores-online/