For three years in a row, United Airlines has received the distinction of being named a top corporation for women-owned and -operated businesses by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). It's the only national award of its kind.
What is even more impressive is that United isn't just competing for an award. The company truly believes in diversity and giving women real opportunities. They live and breathe diversity, from hiring to choosing business partners and suppliers, United makes sure that minority- and women-owned businesses get a piece of the pie.
One of the company's assets is its Supplier Diversity Initiative program. The program is designed to include certified minority-, women-, veteran-, LGBT-owned enterprises and small businesses in their supply chain. Through this program, a much wider base of diverse suppliers have opportunities to compete for United’s business.
In addition to United's diversity programs, United is a member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council, the Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council, the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council, the Women’s Business Enterprise Alliance and the Women’s Business Development Center.
Go United!