In memory of a fearless Swedish journalist named Kim Wall who was sadly killed on the job, the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) has launched a grant program in partnership with her friends and family.
The organization's fellows and grantees are both freelance and staff journalists that have become experts in reporting in underserved regions, generated must-read stories, align with top outlets, and bring critical issues affecting women and others to light. They are the only organization that provides safety training, byline opportunities, and emergency support tailored to women journalists and photographers around the world.IWMF works to unleash the power of women journalists to transform the global news media and seeks to make sure that the kinds of stories Kim loved continue to be told. Through the creation of the Kim Wall Memorial Fund, IWMF's mission is to unleash the potential of women journalists as champions of press freedom to transform the global news media.
For more information, visit www.iwmf.org/programs/kim-wall-memorial-fund/