DigitalUndivided (DID) is a social startup 3 status that merges data and heart to develop innovative programs and initiatives that catalyze economic growth in Black and Latinx communities. The organization was founded in 2012 by tech pioneer and CEO, Kathryn Finney.
Finney has also created The Doonie Fund, named after her grandmother, to help Black women entrepreneurs impacted by COVID-19. Since the fund's inception fund has helped more than 500 Black female entrepreneurs by making an immediate micro-investment into their business.DigitalUndivided (DID) firmly believes that Black and Latinx women know what’s best for them and their business this micro-investment allows them "to stay in the arena” during the crisis, and more specifically the pandemic.
Finney's vision is to create a world where women own their work. Her mission is to create system change by catalyzing economic growth for Black and Latinx communities through women entrepreneurs.
Get involved now at www.digitalundivided.com/get-involved