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Reentering the Workforce After Being a Stay-At-Home Mom

Stay-at-home mom working

After having kids, many stay-at-home moms think about returning to the corporate workforce. In fact, over half of the moms surveyed in a recent study thought about returning to work someday. However, the transition from spending all your time at home to working at an office can be rocky at first. This is especially because former stay-at-home moms may have a difficult time securing a new position due to employment gaps or lack of experience. That’s why we want to offer four tips for reentering the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom.

Determine the Type of Job You Want

Before you hunt for jobs, you’ll need to figure out exactly what type of job will be right for you. Feel free to take it slow, as this step will play a huge role in your job search. First, you’ll need to think about which industry is calling your name. If you’re contemplating a career change, this can be an ideal time to do so. After all, it’s a fresh start! Then, depending on your family dynamic, decide whether you can take on full-time or part-time work. From there, you can sift through the available positions that meet your requirements.

Get Back to the Basics

When was the last time you updated your résumé? How about the last time you wrote a cover letter? Now’s the time to refresh these essential documents. Both a cover letter and a résumé will convince prospective companies that you have the talent they need.

You’re probably wondering whether you should mention your employment gap in the work history section of your résumé. This question is often the elephant in the room during interviews, and it requires a solid answer. Potential employers will inevitably ask what you’ve been up to recently, so go ahead and add the details to your résumé. Be proud of and transparent about your parenthood journey.

Learn New Skills

Consider enrolling in online classes to perfect your skills or learn new ones. Things may have changed in the corporate workplace since your absence. Perhaps companies require more technical knowledge, such as coding expertise or experience with marketing platforms, from their candidates. In this case, it’s important to gather as much information as possible before applying to jobs.


Making connections is a surefire way to get the job you want; employers often offer jobs to people they (or their employees) know. Don’t be afraid to attend a networking event or contact a friend to ask about open positions. You can also consider getting in touch with your previous employer—they may be eager to have you back.

We hope these tips for reentering the workforce after being a stay-at-home-mom can assist you in your search for the perfect new role. We wish you the best of luck!