Edith Wilkinson was born on August 13, 1920. She is 96 years old and has had a dream all her life that she can now fulfill. Her dream has been to vote for a female for president.
A dream is fulfilled
Wilkinson was born just 5 days before women were given the right to vote, and she is one of thousands of women in the U.S. who were born before women could vote. Women's suffrage, or women's right to vote, was granted on August 18, 1920 by the passing of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
It is hard to believe that just 100 years ago, women were denied many rights. But 100 years ago, women could not vote, could not own their own bank account, could not get a mortgage on their own, and in some professions, could not keep working once they got married.
Wilkinson states, "Won’t that be fun, saying “Madam President”? In my lifetime I never thought I’d get to see a woman president. It’s about time we had a woman running for President."
Wilkinson and others like her feel privileged to live long enough to see such a historical event occur.
Read more at www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/born-before-women-could-vote-now-edith-wilkinson-is-voting-for-a-woman-president_us_581e61c4e4b0d9ce6fbc890a?section=us_women