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Find Out Who Made the Latest TNJ's 25 Influential Black Women in Business Awards List

Every year, The Network Journal of Black Professionals and Small Business News awards 25 black women in business for their professional achievements. The award and recognition honors the impact they have made in their profession and in their communities.

What they all have in common

These remarkable women are business owners, corporate presidents, CEOs, or other senior executives. They come from corporate environments, government, health care, education, non-profit and more. What they all have in common is the fact that they have worked hard, had a positive attitude, and remained focused and determined in their efforts to succeed. Check out some of their comments.

  • "Try not to hold on to negativity because life is too short.”
  • “taking the time to learn about your business and being true to yourself.”
  • “It should not be about being a minority or female-owned contractor, but simply because we did great work.”
  • “I try to keep a sense of humor and treat people well regardless of their desk or door.”
  • “When you work hard, you...earn the respect, credibility, and the reputation.”
  • “Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

What we can learn from influential women

As you read the profiles of these incredible women, it is clear that they often had parents or someone in their life who believed in them and supported them. They also had a desire to change lives and help others. This often translated into careers as attorneys defending the rights of others, non-profit executives reaching out to help those less fortunate, or executives heading government offices that give them an opportunity to protect the rights of others. They all reflected a no-excuses attitude, a clear vision and a plan to get where they wanted to be.

To read more about these outstanding women, visit