Women's Fund organizations around the nation are all about women helping women. They often do remarkable things to help their communities. One example is the Impact Porter County, the women’s giving circle associated with the Porter County Community Foundation in Indiana, who recently awarded grants totaling $50,000.
Grants ranged from $2,500 to $25,000 and were awarded to worthy organizations who provide services that improve the lives of local residents. Recent grant recipients focused on providing housing for low-income women; and support, training and other services for parents of special needs children.
Through the hard work of women involved in women's fund organizations, the groups are able to improve the lives of women and children in their communities. As Impact Porter County grant committee chair Kathleen Walsh explained it, "The impact of these grants is far reaching." “This support of women’s causes provides a helping hand to hundreds of local women and families throughout Porter County.”
Since it's beginning, Impact Porter County has now awarded over $350,000 in women’s fund grants to deserving organizations who provide services that significantly change the lives of women and children in Porter County, Indiana.
For more information, visit www.portercountyfoundation.org