Avon Foundation for Women offers grants in two specific areas, breast cancer and domestic violence. Grants are awarded to organizations whose work includes breast cancer research or ways to reduce domestic violence.
Grants for research in breast cancer are awarded to organizations whose work focuses on developing tests to prevent or treat cancer. Grants may be awarded up to $150,000 per year for two years. Eligible programs also include those that provide screening services and care to underserved women, and care for uninsured, at-risk, low-income and minority patients.
The company also plans to offer grants in 2014 for organizations who provide domestic violence shelters, help victims recover and gain financial independence, prevent date abuse through programs directed at college campuses, and provide programs that enable others to intervene and help victims.
As a result of grants from the Avon Foundation for Women, 300 grants have been awarded to U.S. organizations dedicated to breast cancer research and awareness, and more than 450,000 domestic violence victims were helped in 2012 alone.
For more information, visit www.avonfoundation.org/grants/