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Verizon Foundation Grants

Verizon FoundationVerizon is a company known for its support of diversity, and the Verizon Foundation is no exception. The Verizon Foundation supports a wide range of programs that benefit diverse communities, including minorities, veterans and others by awarding direct and matching grants.

To be eligible, businesses must be tax-exempt non-profit organizations. These businesses must operate to serve the needs of hospitals, schools, churches, medical research organizations or a government agency. Although grant money cannot be awarded to individuals, businesses who meet the qualifications may apply. Women and other minorities are encouraged to apply.

Average grants are from $5,000 to $10,000 with applications reviewed throughout most of the year. In 2011, Verizon awarded $66 in grants nationwide. In addition to grants, some organizations have also been assisted by the foundation with volunteers.

The projects supported by the Verizon Foundation includes health care, education, and energy management and can be either U.S.-based or international. One recent example is a $15,000 grant that was awarded in December, 2012, to The Rhode Island Quality Institute for a program that electronically alerts a specialized team of health providers for women and infants when one of their preterm infants is admitted to a hospital in Rhode Island.

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