These grants are for everyone who qualifies, including women- and minority-owned businesses. Yet, so far only 12 percent of the grants have been awarded to women-owned businesses, and 6 percent to minority-owned businesses. Since the program began, a total of 689 small businesses have received grant money.
In an effort to assist more women- and minority-owned businesses to become aware of this grant program, here are some of the key components of the Small Business Express Program:
- The program offers matching grants, revolving loans and job creation incentive loans.
- Businesses receiving priority consideration include those that create jobs, and those in the fields of manufacturing, business services, green technology, bio science and information technology.
- Businesses eligible for assistance must agree to remain in their location for five years.
- Grants from $10,000 to $100,000 are available for job creation, capital investment and working capital.
- Eligible businesses cannot employ more than 100 employees and must be in business 12 months or more.
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