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WWMD: What Would Michelle Do? -- First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks Out on What Working Moms Need

Michelle Obama

Finding balance between work and home is a challenge for all working mothers. No one knows that better that First Lady Michelle Obama who discussed her views on working mothers in an interview published in, a web site posting articles about work and parenting. Here are some of the key points Mrs. Obama made in her interview.

One income really doesn’t cut it anymore

In most families today, both parents have to work in order to make ends meet, and there are more single parent families where working is absolutely necessary. Some people even have more than one job in order to be able to pay the bills. Times have changed.

Twenty-two million working women don’t have a single paid sick day

Millions of working women cannot afford to take a day off to care for their sick children. Without the benefit of sick pay, staying home means losing money, and many simply can't afford to do this. This is one cause that Mrs. Obama is researching in order to find out how some companies do offer these benefits and how this can be shared with others as best practices. She also points out that it results in "making work places stronger and more effective, and keeping and attracting the most qualified people. This research is critical to empowering employers and is particularly important during our current economic climate."

Companies need more work-flexibility

Mrs. Obama addresses the need for more work flexibility by stating, "We need to discuss flexible work hours that give employees greater ability to attend to important family responsibilities like child pick-up, something as simple as that; doctors appointments for those not just with kids, but for people with elderly parents."

She is also supportive of quality on-site child care. As she explains, flexible programs and schedules are important because they "will relieve many of the stresses that parents feel on the job throughout the day."

To read the entire interview with Mrs. Obama, visit: