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Bethel Foundation Offers $1,500 Scholarships to Single Moms

Lynda Powell, the founder of Bethel Foundation, was a struggling single mother who saw the need for the resources that her organization provides to the community. The foundation reaches out to one single mom at a time giving a ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel by providing team support with scholarship opportunities, mentoring, rehabilitation, and quality housing.

Quarterly scholarships for single mothers are available to full-time and part-time students and can even be used during the summer session. Single mothers can reapply each semester for help paying for their books or tuition.

The deadline varies through the year, and the scholarship amount is usually $1,500 maximum each semester for full-time students. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, must be the head of their household with sole custody of at least one child younger than 18, and must be pursuing a career-oriented course of study.

For more details and/or to apply, visit