A new report by American Express on the state of women-owned businesses reports an increase of 45 percent from 2007 - 2016 in the number of businesses owned by women. To put this increase into perspective, businesses nationwide grew by 9 percent during the same period of time. What is even more amazing is that women are breaking apart stereotypes by creating their own businesses in what used to be male-dominated industries.
Forget the stereotypes
Consultant Julie Weeks, who wrote the report, says there are more women earning college degrees, and more women entering industries that used to be dominated by men. Women like Vicki Hagen, owner of Kato Roofing in Minnesota, who took over the business in 2009. Her executive staff consists mainly of women, including her CFO, Marketing and Public Relations Manager, and Human Resources Manager.
You have to be tough
Hagen admits you have to be tough when entering an industry dominated by men, and have thick skin. Sexism can occur, and this is something women business owners need to be prepared for. There were some who thought she wouldn't make it, but with determination and toughness, she proved them all wrong.
Some women who have entered male industries came from entrepreneur parents, so they had plenty of support. But not all women have had this luxury. Still, the numbers show that women across the nation have accounted for most all new business since the recession. They continue to prove themselves, often against all odds and having to stand on their own.
Read more at www.mankatofreepress.com/news/women-making-strides-in-entrepreneurship/article_4511e30c-13a5-11e6-835f-97687fef9b1e.html