July 7, 2014, is the deadline to apply for one of six Smart Women Grants being offered by Zions Bank. The grants are for projects that directly benefit women or low-income and underserved populations in the states of Utah and Idaho.
Each grant is $3,000. Applicants may apply for a grant in one of six categories: small-business start-up and expansion; community development; continuing education and teacher support; child and/or elder care; health and human services; and arts and culture. One grant will be awarded in each category.
The micro grants are open to anyone whose business or program empowers women or otherwise benefits women or low-income and underserved populations in Utah and Idaho.
Zions Bank is a full-service bank with more than 500 offices in 10 western states. The bank has awarded more than $180,000 in Smart Women Grants since the program began in 2005.
For more information, visit www.zionsbank.com/learning-center/swsm-grant.jsp