Entrepreneurs in Maine, both women and men, who would like a little extra help with marketing programs are eligible for a $400 mini-grant from The Women, Work, and Community organization. The grants are matched by a 25% contribution from applicants and can be used for marketing and promotions for their businesses.
Small businesses eligible for the grants must have four or fewer employees. Businesses from several counties are eligible, and deadlines vary by county. The next deadline is May 7 for businesses located in Mid-Coast counties. The businesses must be for-profit. Each business may submit a proposal for their business, describing how the mini-grant will help their business grow through marketing and branding.
Examples of how the grant money may be used include creating marketing materials, developing web sites, creating business cards, producing signs and banners, and other marketing efforts that reach their market audience.
Women, Work and Community is a women's economic development organization founded in 1978. Its mission is to support small businesses, particularly women-owned, throughout the state of Maine. They receive their funding from Maine's Department of Labor, grants from both state and federal governments, foundations and donations from corporations and private donors.
For more information, visit http://womenworkandcommunity.org/2012/02/mini-grants-awarded/